How long have you been loyal to these firms, and why will you continue to remain loyal?

For this discussion question think of businesses/products/services that you are currently loyal to and businesses/products/services that you used to be loyal to but have now changed your loyalties and why. What have the businesses/products/services done to earn and retain your loyalty and what did the businesses/products/services do to lose your loyalty? In addition, for the […]

Describe the last time you used a coupon or a rebate, and another time where you knew a coupon might be available and yet chose to not bother with it.

One method of price discrimination for firms is the use of coupons and rebates. Firms are basically allowing consumers to self-identify their respective price elasticities of demand for a product. Describe the last time you used a coupon or a rebate, and another time where you knew a coupon might be available and yet chose […]

Critically compare the theoretical perspectives and practical implications of Coase (1937) and Penrose (1959) in terms of their views on (i) the size of firms and (ii) the growth of firms.

Critically compare the theoretical perspectives and practical implications of Coase (1937) and Penrose (1959) in terms of their views on (i) the size of firms and (ii) the growth of firms.

To what extent do firms and industries need to be seen as legitimate? Discuss how this might influence their development, include examples of firms that have adapted to gain legitimacy.

Topic: To what extent do firms and industries need to be seen as legitimate? Discuss how this might influence their development, include examples of firms that have adapted to gain legitimacy.

How is it possible for perfectly competitive firms to maximize profit in the short run versus in the long run? Provide an example from your own work experienfktce as a Customer Service Rep.

Topic: ECO/365T: Principles Of Microeconomics Paper details: How is it possible for perfectly competitive firms to maximize profit in the short run versus in the long run? Provide an example from your own work experienfktce as a Customer Service Rep.

How does the value of the operations change the projects financing?Discuss

1-Fords equity Is worth $50 per share, and there are 1 billion shares outstanding. Ford has issued bonds—each bond trades at $1000 and there are .2 billion bonds outstanding. Finally, ford has $20 billion worth of excess cash on its balance sheet. When computing fords WACC, what should you use for D/V? .8 .74 .88 […]

Using real-world examples, discuss two other financial derivatives used by domestic and/or multinational firms to hedge risk. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using derivatives?

Description Enrons collapse, the biggest Chapter 11 bankruptcy in U.S. history, has been attributed in part to the companys reckless use of derivatives. Is this a valid accusation? Fully explain and support your response. Using real-world examples, discuss two other financial derivatives used by domestic and/or multinational firms to hedge risk. What are the advantages […]

Critically discuss the lead user approach in views of its usefulness and challenges in helping firms develop new product/services.

Topic: Critically discuss the lead user approach in views of its usefulness and challenges in helping firms develop new product/services. Use appropriate real examples from case studies or journal articles to support your discussion