Discuss the potential ethical issues of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) according to deontology, utilitarian, and/or virtue ethics. Then, analyze whether decreased privacy is worth increased security.

After reading this article on covert surveillance (Links to an external site.), discuss the potential ethical issues of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) according to deontology, utilitarian, and/or virtue ethics. Then, analyze whether decreased privacy is worth increased security.

Explain the issues regarding law enforcement’s use of the FISA court is blurring the lines between the intelligence gathering efforts of domestic and international terrorist groups.

1. Explain the issues regarding law enforcement’s use of the FISA court is blurring the lines between the intelligence gathering efforts of domestic and international terrorist groups. 2. Describe the various research finding regarding the differences between lone-wolf and leaderless terrorists, and whether their behavior may be directly influenced by their mental condition. 3. Explain […]