How did the mediator identify, present and set the agenda for the parties?

1. Fitzgerald & Fitzgerald (Family/Custody-Visitation case)view Parts 1 & 2 Prepare a written assessment (approximately 8-10 pages in length) of the videotaped mediation of the Fitzerald case. The written assessment should identify the mediation skills and interventions used, an analysis of the effectiveness of the skills employed, and suggestions for what you may have tried […]

Discuss to what extent his character deserves to be called ‘great.’ Is Fitzgerald being serious, or ironic?

To what extent is Jay Gatsby ‘great’? Discuss to what extent his character deserves to be called ‘great.’ Is Fitzgerald being serious, or ironic? Discuss the presentation of his character, making a clear argument for your interpretation, making meaningful links to context and author’s purpose. Your answer should mention; – prohibition – the emerging consumer […]

Write an essay in which you take a position on the message Fitzgerald communicates in The Great Gatsby and develop your argument using evidence from the novel.

The great Gatsby final assessment What statement/argument is Fitzgerald making about the human experience? Is he arguing something about American life in the 20’s? Is he commenting on how wealth impacts people? Is he making a statement on a person’s capacity to transcend his/her socioeconomic status? Is he criticizing people who are too focused on […]