How are Riley’s memories connected to her thinking, motivation and emotions?

Inside-Out: A look at Riley’s Cognition, Development and Emotions Watch the movie: Inside-Out Take notes as you watch the movie regarding Riley’s emotions, memories, problem solving and language skills (this may require you watch it more than once if you haven’t already seen it). Write a three (3) page or more paper (paper will include […]

How are Riley’s memories connected to her thinking, motivation and emotions?

Movie: Inside/Out Include three (3) additional outside sources of your choosing If some of the concepts used are not in your textbook – LOOK THEM UP Some of the concepts are things you’ve previously studied, some are not. Content requirements: Watch the movie: Inside-Out Take notes as you watch the movie regarding Riley’s emotions, memories, […]

Discuss the major theorists, main characteristics of flashbulb memories and the major criticisms of these types of memories.

Flashbulb Memories Flashbulb memories are memories about a specific event that are so vivid it creates a “snapshot” of the event. Examples of well-known flashbulb memory events include the 9/11 attacks, Challenger disaster, and the MLK or JFK assassinations. Research the phenomenon of flashbulb memories. Discuss the major theorists, main characteristics of flashbulb memories and […]

What are Riley’s problem-solving skills-How does she work through her experience of having to move to a new town-Does she take control of her emotions?

Watch the movie: Inside-Out Take notes as you watch the movie regarding Riley’s emotions, memories, problem solving and language skills (this may require you watch it more than once if you haven’t already seen it). Write a three (3) page or more paper (paper will include all three (3) parts) that utilizes information from Chapters […]