List and explain three ethical concerns that may be argued from this flattening of the technological landscape.

In 2006, Thomas Friedman authored a book entitled, The World Is Flat. Since that time many people have adopted a global perspective to business. Determine the security concerns that are raised by the flattening of the technological landscape. Explain your answer. List and explain three ethical concerns that may be argued from this flattening of […]

Create a 3-by-3 array containing the even integers from 2 through 18.

Question 1: (Filling arrays) Fill a 2-by-3 array with ones, a 3-by-3 array with zeros and a 2- by-5 array with 7s. Question 2: (Broadcasting) Use arange to create a 2-by-2 array containing the numbers 0–3. Use broadcasting to perform each of the following operations on the original array: a) Cube every element of the […]