Briefly describe three news articles you selected (past or current) on a single topic in forensic psychology that you find most interesting.

Assignment one Review Chapter 2 in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Focus on the guidelines for conducting an effective literature search. Think about how to search and locate research articles applicable to forensic psychology. Select a single topic that exemplifies the application of psychological research in forensic psychology. Research this topic […]

Write a program critique analysis that critically examines a health or healthcare program intended to meet a specific health need.

4-2 Program Critique Assignment In this assignment, you will critique a health or healthcare program from the literature. Before you begin working on this assignment, please visit the module Resources section and explore the provided program critique reading resource. Then, analyze the resource requirements of the given program and provide justification for the inclusion or […]

Locate a nutrition related journal article.Were there any flaws? Is this new information or does it validate previous research? Provide any information you found interesting.

Locate a nutrition related journal article. This needs to be a research study with an intervention, not a review article. After reading this, please provide a summary and a critique of this research. Were there any flaws? Is this new information or does it validate previous research? Provide any information you found interesting. This extra […]

How does this text illustrate the weaknesses, flaws, gaps, or exceptions of essentialist identities?

How does this text illustrate the weaknesses, flaws, gaps, or exceptions of essentialist identities? Keep in mind that essentialism can relate to gender, race, or class. Provide clear examples from the text and explain how/why this text complicates or destroys essentialism in identity (generally or about specific characters) and why complicating or destroying essentialist assumptions […]