Identify one government regulation in the State of Florida that affects competition with other businesses.

What current Government Regulations of Competition Affect Business Ethics. Identify one government regulation in the State of Florida that affects competition with other businesses. For instance can you charge less for a television to get someone into your store, even if you no longer carry the television that you were advertising?  

Who are your key stakeholders and how would you communicate these risks to them?

You are the Risk Manager for an auto manufacturing company. Your company is outsourcing the procurement of a very critical component to a third-party supplier based in Florida. How would you go about identifying and assessing the operational risks? What do you think are you key risks facing this decision? Who are your key stakeholders […]

How would you describe public health to someone unfamiliar with the term?

Public Health Ethics Hurricane Zara has hit the Florida Keys and decimated the community. As an ER manager, you must coordinate rescue efforts throughout the area and triage patients showing up at your ER. Discuss the following questions with the class: How would you describe public health to someone unfamiliar with the term? What is […]

List three areas of focus for your state and identify what has been accomplished.

HealthPromoDB1 The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Links to an external site. is the nation’s premier system of health-related telephone surveys that collect state data about U.S. residents regarding their health-related risk behaviors, chronic health conditions, and use of preventive services. For this discussion: Access the Centers for Disease Control. Access the State […]

How would you approach to your patient to inform about his diagnosis?

Pagana: Mosby’s Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests, 6th Edition AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome What is the relationship between levels of CD4 lymphocytes and the likelihood of clinical complications from AIDS? Why does the United States Public Health Service recommend monitoring CD4 counts every 3–6 months in patients infected with HIV? This is patient seems […]

What would you add to the prevention and treatment recommended by the Florida Health Department and why?

Florida Department of Health Trending Topics Search the Florida Heath Department (FHD) Website. Evaluate the trending topics: Monkey pox and Hepatitis A After searching the Florida Health Department website, complete the following: -How do you see the role of the Advance Nurse Practitioner in this topic -How can she/he positively impact the overall delivery of […]

What are the directions of an object’s velocity and acceleration vectors when it is subject to non-uniform circular motion?

Florida Institute of Technology ©2020 by J. Gering 10 – 1 Experiment 10 Newton’s Second Law for Rotation Questions . How do we give something a constant angular acceleration? How can we measure this angular acceleration? What are the directions of an object’s velocity and acceleration vectors when it is subject to non-uniform circular motion? […]

Develop forecast for the Average Day Peak Month and Peak Hour operation in the years 2020 and 2040. In the Year 2020 the peak month is August and is 10.5 percent of annual operations.

Forecasting Section of Aviation Planning Project: Part 1: Historical Aeronautical Activity and Based Aircraft This section provides a discussion of ISM’s historical activity levels to begin building a context for the forecast of aviation demand at the Airport. This section should describe the types and levels of aviation activity at the airport over the past […]

Consider to what extent the protection of a home outweighs or does not outweigh the obligation of an individual to pay his or her debts.

The Florida Homestead Exemption is unique to Florida. No other state has an unlimited exemption of this magnitude. Pursuant to this exemption (per the State Constitution), no creditor (other than a creditor with respect to the residence such as a mortgage) can judicially compel the sale of the residence to satisfy a debt. So, if […]

How do state and regional association meetings differ from national association meetings? 

Question from chapter 3 & 4 Week 2 Assignment 1 – Review Questions Answer the following review questions from Chapters 3 & 4: 1. Why are conventions important to associations for financial reasons? 2. What factors are important to associations when selecting sites to host their events? 3. How do state and regional association meetings differ from national […]