What factors reduce a person’s risk for getting this illness or promote longevity.

Using the health issue and target population from your blog in this module, create a one-page flyer, poster, or infographic to inform and empower the audience to address the issue. In your flyer/poster/infographic, State the health problem of interest in the title of your flyer along with the specific population. What factors put a person […]

Write a brief description of the item – and – a 250-word analysis of how the item is culturally appropriate or culturally inappropriate.

Find an example of a culturally appropriate or culturally inappropriate educational item. The item can be one of the following: a video, a document, a photo, a poster, a flyer, etc. Write a brief description of the item – and – a 250-word analysis of how the item is culturally appropriate or culturally inappropriate.

What do you want your customers (students) to do when they read, see or hear the advertisement?

Assignment information: Your mission is to create an advertisement for a product or service. The product or service needs to have a connection to education and learning. The focus should be on making student life and the educational journey more efficient and productive. This could be an advertisement for an already existing product/service or for […]