What were the implications of the case for the food business?

Assignement 3A Read and view the following: Duty of Care: Cornell University Law School. (n.d.). Duty of care. Retrieved from https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/duty_of_care Rosenberg, M. G. (n.d.). Learn what really happened in the McDonald’s coffee case. Retrieved from http://www.mgrlaw.net/mcdonalds.htm Video: Democracy Now Archives (2011, January 25). The story behind the infamous McDonald’s coffee case & how corporations […]

Discuss how you will address financial and time constraints, farmworker and food service worker rights, humane treatment of animals, consumer acceptability, and feasibility.

1. Develop an innovative food service concept (restaurant, school food, food truck, etc.) that serves food in an healthy, sustainable manner. 2. Identify and define three core values of your food business and define the demographic and cultural details of your target customer. 3. Think about and explain how you will address the inefficiencies in […]