What are some lingering thoughts you might have about the first amendment after this activity?

For this assignment you are asked to exercise your first amendment freedoms. There are five different freedoms protected by the first amendment: freedom of speech freedom of religion freedom of the press freedom of peaceful protest freedom to petition the government You are asked to choose any activity of your choosing that you believe is […]

Explain why freedom of speech of the first amendment of the constitution is the most important basic freedom and why?

Why Freedom Of Speech Is So Important In 600-800 words, five paragraph essay, discuss the following questions. Explain why freedom of speech of the first amendment of the constitution is the most important basic freedom and why? You must use at least one supreme court case to support your position

Explain the most significant ways in which freedom was both expanded and limited during Reconstruction.

Explain the most significant ways in which freedom was both expanded and limited during Reconstruction. In your conclusion, consider how this experience influenced the future of freedom and opportunity for African Americans and women. How does it influence how we think today about racial inequality?  

Why or why not? Considering that what is redacted is sometimes a matter of national security, should the Freedom of Information Act provide accountability? Why or why not? ​​​​​

525 9 Discussion The Freedom of Information Act allows for American citizens to request information from government agencies as a form of accountability. However, agencies still maintain discretion as to how or exactly what information is made available. This can be seen in things like reports that have large sections of redacted information. In the […]

What does freedom mean as part of the history of the United States-How has your understanding of the meaning of freedom changed over the last five weeks?

Freedom In your own words, answer the following questions: What does freedom mean as part of the history of the United States? How has your understanding of the meaning of freedom changed over the last five weeks? You do not need to do any outside reading for this assignment. Your response should be rooted in […]

What do you consider less important, not essential, or even detrimental to the good life?Which concepts or questions challenged you the most and why?Discuss

After examining diverse prompts and ways of knowing, through course materials and discussions, what do you conclude to be the three most significant factors in the good life? (relationship and community, hospitality, and freedom) Give evidence (properly cited) for your conclusions from the prompts and other course material. What do you consider less important, not […]

Identify at least five examples of how their chosen theme has manifested in American history between 1865 and 1989.

Description Students will write one 3-5 page paper on the following prompt: Throughout this course, we will view American history through seven themes: self-reliance, diversity, religiosity, materialism, dissent, industriousness, and reinvention. The first course reading will identify and give you a foundation of what each of these themes mean. Your task is to choose one […]

Select a country profiled by Freedom House  that is transitioning away from democracy and identify basic country attributes (rich, poor, homogenous, diverse, big, small, history of peace or conflict etc.) you believe are contributing to de-democratization.Identify/discuss how the country in question performs according to Freedom House criteria (human rights, civil society, freedom of expression, rule of law, elections, internet freedom, religious freedom, minority/LGBTI and women’s rights)  . In what areas is the country strong and weak?

Description Write about a country moving away from democracy. Your paper should be double spaced, use 12-inch font, be no longer than 4-5 pages, and have a reference list for sources. First, select a country profiled by Freedom House  that is transitioning away from democracy and identify basic country attributes (rich, poor, homogenous, diverse, big, […]

Is freedom of expression available in a totalitarian society or a dictatorship? If so, what are its costs? Explain

Paper details: 5 questions Is freedom of expression an achievable goal for all people? Is it more achievable in a democracy and or open society? Does it really exist in the US? Explain your answer. Does “political correctness” allow freedom of expression or does it restrict it? Is freedom of expression available in a totalitarian […]