Why did you choose that person-Why does that perschoon say what they say in the way they say it?

Topic: Talking Art Exercise Talking Art Exercise (10 points): an ethopoetic exercise in which you craft a short speech for a human or humanoid figure in a work of art. Select an artistic rendering of a human from any culture or time period. In can be in any medium and from any art movement, but […]

Do you thin there is a meaning behind the mythology of the divinatory calendar that transcends religion?

Read the pdf file and answer the following question. (Do not go over 200 words) Reading: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jjyjor0HHw93eKbj3cuwi6oqLy-ZVt5r/view?usp=sharing Question: Frida Kahlo frequently embedded her paintings with rich Nahuatl logographic script and Aztec calendrical symbolism. Yet Deffebach underlines the strict Marxist materialist rationalism she espouses in her diary. Do you thin there is a meaning behind the […]