Describe the elements of the video that relate to theory and research.

Frontline (Producer). (1985). A class divided [Video]. This video discusses the famous blue eyes/brown eyes exercise developed by schoolteacher Jane Elliot in the aftermath of the Martin Luther King Jr. assassination in 1968. Using the Theories Application Worksheet to complete the following: Summarize the concept or theory. Apply the theory and research to real life. […]

Briefly discuss the findings and implications of the sleep study.

Frontline: Inside the Teenage Brain. Written in essay format, with an introductory and concluding paragraph. Watch Frontline: Inside the Teenage Brain. Discuss the following questions: 1. Explain the ‘use it or lose it’ principle in relation to brain development. 2. In the study completed at McLean Hospital, explain how teen’s brains differed from the adult […]

Which country’s health care system should be used to reform the U.S.’s current health care system?

WATCH: Documentary — Frontline: Sick Around the World (2008) Answer the following: While keeping in mind that “Sick Around the World” was filmed prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, which country’s health care system should be used to reform the U.S.’s current health care system? You may use a […]

How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you?

Discussion response Read statement below and respond substantively to your peer. Comment on the leadership attributes identified and the connections made between systems leadership and continuous quality. How do their responses compare to yours? Are there any similarities or differences that surprised you? It is critical to make quality improvement a key component of healthcare […]