Discuss the various defenses in contract formation, stating what is required to establish each individual defense, and providing examples of when the defense may be found valid.

Discuss the various defenses in contract formation, stating what is required to establish each individual defense, and providing examples of when the defense may be found valid. Sly Salesperson sells cars. While selling a car, Sly Salesperson tells the potential buyer that “this is the best car around. It’s a great car and sips gas.” […]

If gasoline was going to be $7 a gallon within the next few years, would you support a price ceiling on gasoline? Why or why not?Explain.

Price Ceiling on Gasoline California If gasoline was going to be $7 a gallon within the next few years, would you support a price ceiling on gasoline? Why or why not? If so, what do you think the maximum price of a gallon of gas should be?