Find a media portrayal of a person with an addictive disorder, and in no more than 300 words, outline the premise of that particular portrayal

Addictive Disorder Write a Reflection essay: Find a media portrayal of a person with an addictive disorder, and in no more than 300 words, outline the premise of that particular portrayal, and briefly reflect on any potential stigmatising or destigmatising information provided and what that might mean to people with an addictive disorder (You can […]

What is the impact of her addiction on herself, her family, her community-society?

2-2 Case Study Milestone One: Short Paper In this milestone, you will be reading Case Study 3 and writing a short paper based on the following prompt. You will be focusing on the addiction and its effects. Consider the following in your short paper: Case Study 3 Website Client information and presenting problem Identify […]

What are some of the ethical issues surrounding using new social networks? How are these now considered for business use? What are business social communities? Are new/different protections and security needed for these networks?Explain

This assignment is an opportunity to explore and apply a decision-making framework to an IT-related ethical issue. A framework provides a methodical and systematic approach for decision making. UMGC Module 2 – Methods of Ethical Analysis (see LEO Content – Readings for week 2) describes three structured frameworks that may be used for ethical analysis, […]

Explain Are there concerns related to internet gambling or is it a “victimless crime”? What harms could occur? Are they overstated by some looking to protect certain segments of the population?

Description For this assignment, debate the issues surrounding internet gambling based on your reading this week. Are there concerns related to internet gambling or is it a “victimless crime”? What harms could occur? Are they overstated by some looking to protect certain segments of the population? Provide a detailed explanation for your views and make […]

What are the risks and potential pitfalls of investing that might cause someone to make the statement that “playing the stock market is like gambling”?

Description Based on past experiences and personal values, people have different beliefs about gambling. Some view it as a moral issue and consider luxurious casinos to be deceptive and eager to take money out of the hands of the naïve. Some people enjoy the excitement of watching the dice roll and view a night in […]