Discuss, using statistical terms, the fairness of the overtime rules-Does the data support fairness or not?

Is the NFL Coin Toss Fair? In 431 NFL football games that went to overtime, the teams that won the coin toss went on to win 235 of those games. Review the NFL Overtime Rules. If the coin toss method is fair, we expect that the teams winning the coin toss would win about 50% […]

Do L2 learners show more interest in the use of games as learning activities than traditional activities?

Using Games to Develop English Vocabulary: A Case Study of the Intermediate School Students in Najran Introduction Over the past centuries, there have been criticisms on the use of games to teach, and this was greatly based on the proposition that the nature of learning was very consequential. However, the importance of adopting the use […]

Do you agree with the argument that “we can’t remove politics from games?” Why, or why not?

Game Studies Discussion “Get politics out of games!” This is a common argument about video games. Take a moment to watch the following video: In at least 250 words, respond to the following questions: 1. Do you agree with the argument that “we can’t remove politics from games?” Why, or why not? 2. What additional […]

Do you believe that there should be a limitation on the violent video games that children are permitted to play?

Write an action plan of at least 3-5 pages that addresses this problem in the community. Your action plan should include, but is not limited to, the following: Several initiatives that will assist in rectifying the problems, including the following: Educational initiatives Local initiatives How can the negative effects of violence on children be lessened? […]

Identify the aspects of today’s Olympics that are not consistent with Olympism and make two recommendations for changing the Games to fit more closely with the spirit of Olympism.

The author suggests that the Olympic Games should be reformed because they no longer represent the spirit of Olympism. You have been asked to identify the aspects of today’s Olympics that are not consistent with Olympism and make two recommendations for changing the Games to fit more closely with the spirit of Olympism. How do […]

Does playing violent video games make a person more aggressive?Discuss.

Topic: Violent video games and how there is no proven link between them and increased aggressive behaviors Paper details: 4. Does playing violent video games make a person more aggressive? This is the prompt chosen and the paper will be about violent video games having no direct, proven link to violent behavior. I’ve included the […]

What games did you play? Do you think the games you played affected your style of verbal communication?

Part A : Enter your original post by clicking on the “Reply” prompt. Post a 200–300 word response to ONE of the following questions. Put Part A and the question number you are responding to in the first line of your post, for example, “Part A: Q1.” Choose TWO of the following types of nonverbal […]