Analyze the British Gas Company operating environment.Identify the key drivers of change that the management should be taking notice of in their deliberations for the future direction of the firm, based on the PESTEL analysis conducted.

Scenario: Conduct a PESTEL analysis of the British Gas Company operating environment. You must identify the key drivers of change that the management should be taking notice of in their deliberations for the future direction of the firm, based on the PESTEL analysis conducted. All models, theories and supporting secondary research material must be referenced […]

Analyze how the planned, staged abandonment could optimally be aligned with offshore wind developments

The offshore wind and Oil & Gas sectors are historically largely separate. This project seeks to exploit synergies between the two in order to reduce the costs associated with O&G abandonment. Specific objectives are to: • Identify hotspots where the two sectors, have the strongest synergies, e.g. hub locations • Assess the potential to exploit […]