State the 5 postulates of kinetic molecular theory that are used to explain the properties of ideal gasses?

Ideal Gas Law Assignment Show all calculations including unit conversions. State the 5 postulates of kinetic molecular theory that are used to explain the properties of ideal gasses? (5 marks) Which of the postulates apply to real gases? (1 mark) Calculate the pressure in bars, which 15.00 grams of hydrogen gas (H2) would exert on […]

Explain how the law works in your example, noting the relationships of, say, pressure, volume, temperature, etc.

Gas Laws If we lived on another planet, such as Mars, we would be very aware of how precious Earth’s atmosphere is for life on your planet. Our atmosphere contains a delicate balance of gasses such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbon dioxide, to mention a few. You might not give the composition of our atmosphere […]