Examine the major contributors to GDP and their significance in any group of countries.The countries must be related in some form e.g. top EU economies.

Description The aim of this study is to examine the major contributors to GDP and their significance in any group of countries. The countries must be related in some form e.g. top EU economies. You can determine the most significant factors that contribute to growth. It is preferred if you can use Eviews to collect […]

What does the industry project for growth? More inventory? Less inventory? Growth/contraction?Discuss

• What % of GDP does this segment represent? • What have been the annual sales for the industry? • How many people does it employ? • How many rooms? • How has it performed, grown, shrunk, etc. over the last 5 years? • What does the industry project for growth? More inventory? Less inventory? […]

Explain three economic principles that were at play in causing this to happen. To receive full credit, write a response to at least one other post.

Description A Microsoft News report states, ”The U.S. economy grew at a record 33.1 percent annualized rate in the third quarter, swiftly recovering some of the deep losses driven by the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, according to data released Thursday by the Commerce Department.” The seasonally-adjusted rate of growth, an advance estimate from the […]

Analyze whether cost of the intervention you selected as a share of GDP or the number of participants is increasing,decreasing, or varies with the state of the economy, based on the cost trend(or number of participants) since its inception or since 2000.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary of your analysis. Identify the intervention and the market failure leading up to the intervention. Complete the following in your paper: Analyze the arguments for government intervention as opposed to arguments for market-based solutions.Hint:See the information about market failures. Examine who has been helped and who has been hurt […]