What is the ‘gender binary’ and why should we study it as we explore sexuality?

Theory and Sex and Gender 1. Describe each of the four major sociological theoretical frameworks: Conflict Theory, Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Feminist Theory. 2. Describe intersectionality. How might we use it when we explore human sexuality? 3 .Describe the Sociological Imagination. How might using it help us remain unbiased when we explore sexuality? 4. What […]

Demonstrate that you know how to define gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality-gender binary.

1. Demonstrate that you know how to define gender, sex, gender identity, sexuality, and gender binary. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of how different oppressions intertwine. Be able to give specific examples of this. 3. Demonstrate an understanding of gender as a social construct over time and space. 4. Demonstrate the ability to define feminism(s) in […]