Write a short paper about the influence of acceptance, parenting styles, and how these can directly steer a child&x27;s gender identity.

Based on Module Four&x27;s articles on gender dysphoria, write a short paper about the influence of acceptance, parenting styles, and how these can directly steer a child&x27;s gender identity. Moreover, think about society today and acceptance of varied gender roles compared to the 1950s. What is different today in parenting styles compared to the 1950s? […]

Identify one  administrative appointment and design a political for a minority woman, national origin, sexual orientation

Identify one  administrative appointment and design a political for a minority woman, national origin, sexual orientation or gender identity, ethnic or religious high ranking federal appointee that is serving or previously served in a leadership position in the Federal  government.

Explore the different angles/aspect of the Notion of gender identity in Twelfth Night.

explore the different angles/aspect of the Notion of gender identity in Twelfth Night. You should include 3 other novels or plays including the importance of being Ernest. You should include extracts from: • twelfth night and/or other relevant Shakespearean texts. • a text by the other author written during the same period as Shakespeare which […]