Who in this area had power-What kind of power?

Structures of Power For today’s class you are responsible for bringing in answers and examples from your area for our group discussion of sixth-century structures of power. Here are some questions to consider: Who in this area had power? What kind of power? Why? How was it obtained or transferred? Was power gendered? Was it […]

What does it mean to be a mother, father, parent, daughter, son, child, sister, brother, sibling, woman, man, person? To what extent do these roles require (or assume, expect, impose, demand) the carrying-out of certain functions? To what extent do these roles require (or assume, expect, impose, demand) certain personality traits (be they genuine or affected)?

Duty, gender, family. As they consider the demands of social, legal, political, cultural, religious, etc., obligation (or the absence thereof), figures in Apology, Crito, Oedipus the King, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone reckon also with the demands of familial, domestic, household, etc., obligation (or the absence thereof). They reckon with the question of how these […]