Explain what you would have done in that situation (either as the person afflicted-the person trying to help)

Your paper can be made in 2 ways: Personal experience: Pick a story involving you that links your personal experience to one of the topics that we cover in class. Be sure you are able to tie it in to what we study: Brain and behavior (genetics), the scientific mind (critical thinking), sensation and perception, […]

How can herd immunity prevent the spread of viruses within a human population?

COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Using your textbook and the resources listed below, answer the following questions regarding COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2. Centers for Disease Control: COVID-19 World Health Organization: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic In addition to the links provided(I provided links at bottom of paper details), include at least two additional sources, one of which must be […]

Discuss Morphology of cells and the factor it plays in general function and structure.

Case study week 1 Part 1: Discuss Morphology of cells and the factor it plays in general function and structure. Part 2:An 18 year old male presents with ADHD, small testes and learning disabilities. After a workup it is determined that he has a kerotype 47 XXY. Discuss meiosis and mitosis.Are the concepts of diffusion, […]

Describe how the different aspects of the person’s development are related to each other. For example, based on your observation/interview with this person does it seem like their cognitive and moral development are dependent on each other, or does it appear that they are independent of each other?

1.Describe how the different aspects of the person’s development are related to each other. For example, based on your observation/interview with this person does it seem like their cognitive and moral development are dependent on each other, or does it appear that they are independent of each other? 2. Discuss the contributing influences on the […]

Discuss the fundamental principles of the philosophy of science and how it is relevant for biological science. Describe, using an example, how fallacies can be detrimental to the integrity of science.

Description This assignment is 2000 words. In 2 parts each part 1000 words! Part 1. Discuss the fundamental principles of the philosophy of science and how it is relevant for biological science. Describe, using an example, how fallacies can be detrimental to the integrity of science. (1000 words.) Part 2. Discuss how genetics can be […]

What is the likely biochemistry underlying the development of the patient’s problem and resolution of the problem?

1. What is the relevance of the patient’s ethnicity (genetics)? 2. What is the relevance of the patient’s diet (epigenetics)? 3. How do animal studies contribute to our understanding of the problem? 4. Have clinical research studies supported conclusions drawn from animal studies and is there a current clinical consensus regarding genetic factors, epigenetic factors, […]