What are the key similarities and  differences among them?

Analyze the various forms of homicide discussed in this chapter. What are the key similarities and  differences among them? Genocide is the most horrendous kind of killing. What are contributing social factors? Take a look back at Figure 4.2. What social factors might help to explain these trends in homicide rates?  

Explain how the public global issue affects the private lives of individuals two different nations or regions of the world

The final essay, the third discussion question, and the quiz on genocide are the last assignments for the course. The final essay will be due December 2nd. The assignment is as follows: Throughout this course you have been presented with sociological perspectives and concepts applied to real world global situations and issues. You have seen […]

What do Hindus mean when they say, “Truth does not come to the individual; it already resides within each of us”?

Why do you think that people who follow the Jewish religious tradition have experienced such a high degree of repression, genocide, and discrimination during their long history? What can you learn about a culture and its people by studying how their religion explains dying and an afterlife? The Islamic notion of jihad includes more than […]

Discuss the importance of both indigenous genocide and African enslavement to the development of the U.S.

Topic: Critical Thought Paper 1 Part 1: In your own words, explain the importance of primitive accumulation to the development of the U.S. In your response you should explain how settler colonialism and the African slave trade relate to primitive accumulation. Part 2: Discuss the importance of both indigenous genocide and African enslavement to the […]

What extent does an analysis of colonialism provide a useful conceptual and historical framework for understanding genocides?

Genocide Chosen Essay Question: To what extent does an analysis of colonialism provide a useful conceptual and historical framework for understanding genocides? Use one case study either from within this unit or of your own choosing to assess the value and limitations of using colonialism as a historical and conceptual framework. As you compose your […]

Why does Malcolm X treat interracial resistance and integration critically? Why does he describe White participation in the 1963 March on Washington less as “integration” than as “infiltration”?Discuss.

Why did African-American audiences find Malcolm X’s speech “Message to the Grass Roots (Nov. 1963)” exhilarating an exhilarating rhetorical performance? Did you find the speech with its language of “house Negroes,” “field Negroes,” and “Uncle Tomes” uncomfortable or offensive? Why? Can those qualities be the same reason why others found it electrifying? How does Malcolm […]

Research and understand the social and political conditions that led to this genocide,What is important to understand about it? Are there causes and consequences that have not been fully understood? What can we learn from this example about prevention?

This assignment is consist of two parts. PART: A, Power Point PRESENTATION about 200-400 words length and PART: B, Power Point PRESENTATION SCRIPT of 1500 word/ length count.his assessment is aimed at developing your independent research skills across a range of different source types, and at developing a more geo-politically grounded exploration of genocide. As […]

Discuss the holocaust and one other genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre, or applicable civil war.

For this project, you will be writing a research paper comparing and contrasting the holocaust with a more recent genocide. This should demonstrate everything you have learned throughout this unit and this course. Research the holocaust and one other genocide war, ethnic cleansing, massacre, or applicable civil war. Your paper must use a minimum of […]