How is geography important in helping elementary children understand and appreciate their roles-responsibilities in an increasingly complex, global community?

Chapter 10&11 Chapter 10 How is geography important in helping elementary children understand and appreciate their roles and responsibilities in an increasingly complex, global community? Chapter 11 In a pluralistic society such as the United States, celebrations and holidays present many challenges and opportunities for elementary school teachers. What is at the center of public schools’ […]

What do you hope to learn-What life goals – intellectual, personal-professional – will this degree help you accomplish?

Your statement should address the following topics and questions in an essay of 750 to 1,000 words: Your expectations of the ISS program. What do you hope to learn? What life goals – intellectual, personal and professional – will this degree help you accomplish? One significant question, issue or problem in human society that you […]

Explain both how-why your choice varies by region-how-why it has been affected by distance decay.

Geography and Drinkable Water Sources for the topic of drinkable Water and non drinkable water Do research to see how each of the following geographic concepts affects or is related to your topic: 1. Regions 2. Cultural Landscape 3. Diffusion 4. Distance decay. Explain both how and why your choice varies by region, and how […]

How much confidence do you have in the data that were collected-What other data would you have included?

Public Health Review Alameda Handbook & answer following questions How was community defined in the Alameda county assessment project? To what degree was the definition of community inclusive vs exclusive? (i.e. who was included, who was not?) How could it have been more inclusive? What assessment tasks was the community involved in? To what degree […]

What are two items that you have received in a trade-Why did you need those products-What did you trade for them?

My journey at the silk road. Questions to respond to within your diary entry: What is the date?either put a date (year) at the top of your diary entry, or include it in your narrative. What is your name, and where are you from? Briefly describe the landscape/geography of the area that you come from. […]

How do historic contexts and which ones help us make sense of the inequalities and “geography of blame” that is present in this most recent pandemic (COVID-19)?

Prompt: How do historic contexts and which ones help us make sense of the inequalities and “geography of blame” that is present in this most recent pandemic (COVID-19)? What, if any, efforts are being considered to address those inequalities?  

How did a ragtag band of volunteers without a proper source of funding for food and equipment manage to overcome the most powerful army and navy in the world?

Write a well-organized essay that explains how the Americans won the Revolutionary War. Your essay should include at least four paragraphs. Remember that you will be graded on content, organization, and mechanics (grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure). When the American Revolution began, it looked like the colonies faced insurmountable odds. How did a ragtag […]

Describe how educational practices support or eliminate ethnic differences among students.

1) Define ethnicity. 2) Then describe how educational practices support or eliminate ethnic differences among students. Definition of ethnicity includes relevant concepts such as race, geography, identity, or language Content of paper needs to reflect information in chapter 2 Educational programs; at least two educational programs discussed addressing ethnicity problems.

Discuss the emotional effects on the audience and the reason behind these choices

A visual analysis essay asks you to analyze an image and discuss the context, significance, and the message it conveys to the audience. • Topic: o An iconic image or photograph with a global implication, significance, and meaning Suggestions: • An image or picture in U.S. with social, cultural, political, historical impact on another country/ […]