To what extent is fracking an acceptable source of resource?

To what extent is fracking an acceptable source of resource.Below The extended essay should be written in a clear, correct and formal academic style, appropriate to the subject from which the topic is drawn. Given that the extended essay is a formally written research paper, it should strive to maintain a professional, academic look. The […]

Discuss There are no relationships between traits that are used to categorize people into races (like skin color) and associated stereotypes.

1. People cannot be reliably divided into racial groups. 2. There are no relationships between traits that are used to categorize people into races (like skin color) and associated stereotypes. 3. Over time, geography and environment influence the genetic structures of human populations through natural selection. 4. There is more diversity within racial groups than […]

Why do we care about past climates and environments and why focus such studies on the Quaternary?Discuss

Why do we care about past climates and environments and why focus such studies on the Quaternary? How do we know the time and duration of changes in climate and environment that occurred hundred to thousands of years in the past- often lacking any written or graphic records? –

How has human geography prevented the Israelis and Palestinians from reaching the “understanding” that Emerson cites as necessary for achieving peace?Discuss

Write a 3-5 page research paper about the role that human geography—including factors like culture, economics, and religion—plays in the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians. Follow the process outlined below, and focus your research to answer the following question: How has human geography prevented the Israelis and Palestinians from reaching the “understanding” that Emerson […]

What is the relationship of your issue to political, social, economic, cultural and / or environmental processes?

In this short term paper you will select an urban issue currently facing the City of Regina. This issue might relate to some aspect of urban development, the urban built environment, urbanization, or urban life. The paper will provide you with the opportunity to ground the theories and ideas discussed in class within a local […]