What are quasars?Discuss

When a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy accretes matter rapidly, the resulting gravitational effects can make the black hole’s surroundings glow brighter than all that galaxy’s stars put together. Such systems are called active galaxies; and in extreme cases at large distances these objects look like stars, and thus are called […]

Write about drought and meteorological data correlation,Discuss use references about the researches done in this area of Thailand and Asia, and references to compare the real situation and the research findings),

Write about drought and meteorological data correlation ( give your discussion and please use references about the researches done in this area of Thailand and Asia, and references to compare the real situation and the research findings), Why some year has high rainfall and why some has high drought , , , write your opinion […]

Develop a conceptual model/cause-effect diagram that illustrates environmental exposures, sources of sensitivity (focusing on double exposures) and key pathways through which those exposures lead to impacts on your socioeconomic sectors

Component 3: Review and synthesis of scientific literature on environmental exposures in your topic place Component 4: Identify the physical, social, and economic factors that increase sensitivity of the socioeconomic sectors in your place exposures identified in Component 3 Component 5: Develop a conceptual model/cause-effect diagram that illustrates environmental exposures, sources of sensitivity (focusing on […]

Explain how globalization has affected the many small communities throughout Canada.

A research paper about explaining how globalization has affected the many small communities throughout Canada. You will need to define globalization and use a few specific examples. This essay should be both analytical and descriptive, more than summary of people’s opinions or published data. Essay needs to have a persuasive argumentative angle.

Describe how the presence of iridium was used to determine the cause of extinction of the dinosaurs.

1) List at least 3 ways that Jupiter has affected the asteroid belt. 2) What are Near-Earth Objects? What evidence is there that Earth has been struck by these objects? Why are there not as many craters on the Earth as on the Moon? 3) Describe how the presence of iridium was used to determine […]

Demonstrate an understanding of the connection between food, identity, and place.

Objective: Throughout a critical analysis, you are expected to demonstrate an understanding of the connection between food, identity, and place. You are also required to show an active engagement with the subject and be able to formulate an original perspective on it. You can select your own area of investigation (either within “Canada” or outside […]

Address the event from the general to the specific (i.e. a discussion of what causes that type of disaster and then focusing specifically on the cause of your case study).

Causes In this section, you can address the event from the general to the specific (i.e. a discussion of what causes that type of disaster and then focusing specifically on the cause of your case study). Impacts Describe the impacts of the event. These could include social, economic, and/or environmental impacts. Response Describe the reaction […]