List at least three similarities and three differences between the classic models of North American cities and that of a typical Latin American city.

Read a description of the model of a typical Latin American city using the sources below. List at least three similarities and three differences between the classic models of North American cities and that of a typical Latin American city. Below are readings and videos describing Latin American Cities. Be sure to reference each classic […]

What is the influence of geography on the United States?Explain.

What is the influence of geography on the United States? Make an essay in two parts: the first should deal with the development of one of the Native American societies we have examined, outlining the environment’s effect on tribal culture and wealth. The second should focus on one aspect of geography as it affects us […]

Explain why the country’s geography and topography make the renewable energy source more viable. For each region, provide a screen shot from the game of the energy sources you chose.

Play this game Wonderville  (Links to an external site.)and write out which renewable-energy types you chose for each region and why that type works for that region. Explain why the country’s geography and topography make the renewable energy source more viable. For each region, provide a screen shot from the game of the energy sources you chose. […]

Explain the general research topic and why it is important, how it relates to a subfield of human geography, if it is important to society and why other reasons why the research question might be important

This is to be an introduction regarding the hypotheses of: How does the spreading and weaponizing of pestilence during war affect local human geography? The objective of the study is to show how human geography changes when pestilence/disease is rampant. Task: Explain the general research topic and why it is important, how it relates to […]

How can we enhance typical K-12 classes in other subjects (such as geography, math etc) by incorporating observing and contributing learning? What secondary effect might be gained by adding this approach?

Then answer these question with 350 words in APA format. Make sure to include 1 proper citation remembering that such cites as Wikepedia cannot be used. Our society has moved from the factory setting to the information and service industries. It is possible that factory style schools no longer serve our best interests. Observing and […]