What type of geologic or environmental challenges currently exist in the National Park and how is the park addressing some of these?

Prepare an introductory paragraph or Abstract discussing why you selected the park you selected and why it is important to you. This introduction should include the focus and goals of your paper Describe how and when the park was formed. Describe the geology of the area. What geologic forces took place to create the park? […]

Discuss how we might mitigate a similar event/disaster in the future.

Each of us has directly or indirectly been impacted by a natural disaster or severe weather event. For this assignment you will be required to recall a personal, real-world experience about the power of one of the Earth’s four spheres that you have experienced in your lifetime, creating a mixed media PowerPoint presentation that brings […]

What is the geologic setting of the hot springs in the biblical towns of Colossae/Laodicea (modern day Turkey)?

What are the causes of hot-springs in Hot Springs National Park and Yellowstone National Park? What is the geologic setting? What is the source of the heat? What kind of rocks are found at each setting and why? What is the geologic setting of the hot springs in the biblical towns of Colossae/Laodicea (modern day […]

Based on the data from the radiometric dating of the volcanic ash layers, what is the age range for the layer of rock the ammonite fossils are found in?

Introduction: One of the most difficult things for the human brain to comprehend is the depth of geologic time because it is challenging to visualize the magnitude of numbers like a million or billion. This lab explores concepts in relative dating, absolute age dating, and fossil succession to explore how geologists structure Earth’s vast history. […]