create your range chart using many different tools such as a simple spreadsheet, table, or annotating the picture of the range chart given in the instructions.

Gol12222: Chart and multiple choice Create your geological range chart.You can create your range chart using many different tools such as a simple spreadsheet, table, or annotating the picture of the range chart given in the instructions.  

What mitigation strategies are now being employed in British Columbia to reduce the risks associated with potential future earthquakes in this seismically active region?

Chapter 1 Explain how a recurrence interval for a natural disaster may be misleading. Explain ways in which media reporting may underemphasize the impact of a natural disaster. Explain how the impacts of a natural disaster may be enhanced in a less-wealthy community as compared to a wealthy community. In reference to the figure below, […]

Describe the geological features including rock types, landforms, etc.

Take a field trip (or virtual field trip) to your favorite park or natural area. Describe the geological features including rock types, landforms, etc. Research the geologic past of this area, and describe how the rocks and geologic features were formed. Insert a photo or two to illustrate your post. Look for resources or sites […]

Describe the geological makeup of the site (be detailed, not just sand but describe all the features and makeup of the sand).

Description Geology in the News – find articles of events in the news that demonstrate geology in action. Write a review of the article. The review should include: 1. The name of the article 2. Who wrote the article 3. Where the article was printed 4. A review of the article that summarizes what the […]