How is relative age used to help determine what happened on earth long before recorded history?-Why do we care?

1. Take a look at the different parts of the state, watch the vidoes and explore areasthat you may not be familiar with, and then explain what Georgia land form you enjoy or would like to visit and tell us a little bit about why you chose that land form for discuss.2. Add to your […]

What year did the world population start to suddenly increase?-What do you think might be the cause for this?

Part 1 – Population Explosion1. Look at the U.S. Census Bureau’s World Population Clock gives an up to the second estimate of the world population. By how much does the population grow in 1 minute? How many people is that per second? Per week?2. Using the U.S. Census Bureau’s State and County Quick Facts, find […]

Compare the taxes used by the State of Georgia to your assigned state and assess the results against a set of tax criteria you establish.

Task: Compare the taxes used by the State of Georgia to your assigned state and assess the results against a set of tax criteria you establish. Purpose: To reinforce concepts on tax principles and individual tax sources. Tax principles/criteria represent the normative standards that should guide policy (see Lewis & Hildreth, pages 202-218). Focus on […]