What would be the differences between the Rauchensteiners and an American family of the same socio-economic standing?

Watch film Altes Geld – Old Money, and then write review Old Money shows a world in which crime becomes the logic of government, empathy equals human weakness, perversion becomes the last expression of inner desperation and greed is being confused with will power. Nothing is holy to this elite except for their own lives. […]

What is procedural democracy and how does it differ from other types of democracy? Is competitive authoritarianism and the associated concept of level playing field procedural?

What is procedural democracy and how does it differ from other types of democracy? Is competitive authoritarianism and the associated concept of level playing field procedural? Explain Making reference to at least two of the required readings on the Nazis, discuss how Linz’s argument about Presidentialism does and does not apply to the Weimar case. […]

What did the Nazis take from this idea-did they? How are reservations-concentration camps similar-different? Is this a valid argument?

Native American Reservations and Nazi Concentration Camps Write a well-researched essay of 3-4 pages to one of the following questions in which you investigate an issue we did not understand fully in class or get to the bottom of completely. Write a FULL essay with introduction, Body and conclusion, with a Works Cited page of […]

What can we learn from it-are there german cultural things SAP have used to address the topic of employee engagement?

Analyze SAP and what SAP is doing towards Employee Engagement Analyze SAP the german company. and explore what SAP does towards Employee engagement. How do they deal with it and how can they measure what they have done towards employee engagement. Explore also the topic of employee engagement and what companies normally do to measure […]

What prior research was expanded literature/research review For which proficiency level is this study relevant?

No outside sources, please. Just a summary of the attached article answering the following questions. What topic was researched? Which research questions were posed? Is it related to practical teaching? If not, what area of DaF does it probe? How was the study conducted? What prior research was expanded (literature/research review) For which proficiency level […]

Explain the varying degrees of German complicity with the mass murder, and identify those groups who appeared to have the most culpability.

week 5 discussion hist 642 Block A Explain the nature of the relationship between the various military and police organizations, as well as the impact that mass murder had on the men in question. Explain the varying degrees of German complicity with the mass murder, and identify those groups who appeared to have the most […]

Explain Is there much acknowledgement of what happened to the Herero people in terms of monuments and is there recognition from the German side for what they did to the Herero people?

Questions: What remains of the colonial past and are race relations still strained in Namibia; if so how? Is there much acknowledgement of what happened to the Herero people in terms of monuments and is there recognition from the German side for what they did to the Herero people? What are the most striking aspects […]

Describe the content you propose to analyze and how you will sample it.describe how you are sampling from that content. Publication dates? Every book, or some group of books? Every page or certain pages?

1. Develop a research question. Write a research question for a hypothetical study that interests you in your area of study, e.g., What is the ethnic diversity of characters featured in award-winning Caldecott children’s picture books? 1 point 2. Create a sampling plan. Describe the content you propose to analyze and how you will sample […]

Critically assess:With all the modern legal systems moving closer and closer together, it is ludicrous to claim that the French, German and American legal systems should be classified into different legal families. There are simply too many commonalities and too few differences between them.

1/ With all the modern legal systems moving closer and closer together, it is ludicrous to claim that the French, German and American legal systems should be classified into different legal families. There are simply too many commonalities and too few differences between them. Critically assess the above statement. 2/ Acts of Parliament shall be […]