What were the challenges that the United States had in reaching Japan during the war?

2-3 sentences per questions. Should total 420 words. Summarize the development of the airplane between its invention in 1903 up to World War II. List the major firsts that the airplane made during this time period. What were the major differences in the airplane between World War I and World War II? How did the […]

What is the fundamental difference between European countries and the USA in terms of quality of life?

Doing- Geography 1 Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4JJvfrkH3M (2-3 minutes) Movie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgU0I8rl-ps (2 hours approximately) Do not worry if the film takes a few minutes to download (depending upon your internet speed and browser). The film lasts about 2 hours. Try a new browser (google, firefox) if one does not work. As you watch the film answer the […]

What precedents did the Nazis draw upon in formulating their genocidal plan-actions-What was unique about their plan?

Nazi Germany Essay Answer these 2 questions in about a page each. No more than 700 words for each question. There is a book called Question 1: Word limit: 700 words How did a democracy become a dictatorship? What was at the core of Nazi ideology? Why were many Germans attracted to Nazism and why […]

How can you convince your manager that a smaller group would be better-How do you deal with John if your manager insists on him being in the group?

Examine the Nazi ideology in wiping out an entire ethnic group. How could any modern and so-called advanced and evolved nation like Germany go along so willingly with the mass murder of at least 11 million civilians? How were the Germans able to construct the facilities they built for their “Final Solution to the Jewish […]

Analyze these sources and explain how they will contribute to the study of African-American reporting of African Germans in Nazi Germany.

Paper details: This paper is a primary source analyzation. Our teacher wants us to find primary sources related to the topic presented above. We are to deeply analyze these sources and explain how they will contribute to the study of African-American reporting of African Germans in Nazi Germany. Teacher’s assignment statement: “Write a first analysis […]