What would you suggest as ways for a city like Detroit (or Pittsburgh) to fight against, but also to successfully manage population decline?

If you live in Philadelphia, you are no longer living in a shrinking city, at least according to the 2020 Census, which indicates the population grew by more than 5% since 2010. But this was the first census to mark growth since 1950 and since then the city has lost almost 25% of its peak […]

Write a case study on Market Entry Analysis for an EASA-Certified Flight School in Austria/Germany

Topic: Market Entry Analysis for an EASA-Certified Flight School in Austria/Germany: A Case Study 1-page Draft / Summary / Abstract Page: Provide an extra 275-word draft of the paper / a 275-word summary of your paper’s main points / a 275-word abstract page) Write a case study on Market Entry Analysis for an EASA-Certified Flight […]

Why are the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Australia, and Japan falling-Is the population aging or are there cultural/workplace considerations? (ULO 1)

Unit 6 Discussion Review Table 12.1 in relation to Union Density. Why are the United States, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Australia, and Japan falling? Is the population aging or are there cultural/workplace considerations? (ULO 1)

Describe how sexism, discrimination, and family responsibilities can lead to gender inequalities in the workplace.

Gender Inequality in the Workplace Balancing work and personal responsibilities can be a challenge. Particularly for parents of young children, this can be a real challenge. Historically, much of the responsibility for home and child care has fallen on women, making it more difficult for women to move up in the workplace. For this Final […]

How did both of these transformations grow out of discontent in their respective nations and how did they both create new ways of governing and promises for change?

  1) Explain the origins of World War I, the deadly and destructive course of the war, its impact on the societies of those nations at war, and the immediate geopolitical consequences of the peace process. 2) Compare and contrast the Russian Revolution and the rise of fascism in Germany in the 1930s. How did […]

Compared to these other unelected parts of government, is the military really the most important?

POSC 2401; Exam 2 2 prompts to answer. 800 words each. 1) “The military is the most important unelected component of government.” Evaluate this statement. In your answer, consider (a) the ways that militaries are involved in domestic politics around the world including their main tasks. (b) the other two main unelected components of government […]

What were the legacies of the conflict inside Brazil? How were veterans treated-Why did Brazil refuse to contribute troops for the military occupation?

STAGE 2: Brasil in WWII History 465 Assignments Stage 1: Instructions The topic will be Brasil’s role in the conflict (WWII) is frequently overlooked in terms of the BEF. You may want to focus on questions of foreign policy. The 3rd Reich had a concept of “southern cone” strategy that failed in its ability to […]

What country did you select,-how do they provide medical care to citizens?

Healthcare in other country For this assignment, research a medical care system that is provided within a foreign country (not in the United States). For example, you can conduct an Internet search by looking up phrases such as “health care in Germany.” Once you have examined the medical care system in that country, address the […]

Identify-briefly explain three factors which contributed to the rise of Fascism in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s.

Assignment # 11 Chapter 25 pages 649-659 Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1. Identify and briefly explain three factors which contributed to the rise of Fascism in Europe during the 1920s and 1930s. 2. Identify and explain three ways in which the financial reparations placed on Germany following the end of […]