What are the implications of these differences-Why do they matter?

You can choose You will compose an essay that analyzes the different portrayals of Ishtar/Inanna in The Epic of Gilgamesh and Princess, Priestess, Poet: The Sumerian Temple Hymns of Enheduanna. What are the implications of these differences? Why do they matter? You could approach these differences through a variety of lenses, like gender or politics. […]

How are quests or journeys to the underworld/afterlife portrayed in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Dante’s Inferno, and Homer’s Odyssey?

Topic is: How are quests or journeys to the underworld/afterlife portrayed in The Epic of Gilgamesh, Dante’s Inferno, and Homer’s Odyssey? Basically, discuss how each reading portrays what the main characters must confront in the different underworlds; why they must journey to the underworld, the purpose of their journey, and what they hope or expect […]

What specific similarities between the two stories were you able to find?

Read the following primary sources and then answer the questions below: Excerpts from The Book of Genesis (1-3, 6-8, 22) http://www.professorcampbell.org/sources/genesis.htmlLinks to an external site. “The Flood Story” from The Epic of Gilgamesh https://web.archive.org/web/20180924021142/http://www.livius.org/articles/misc/great-flood/flood3_t-gilgamesh/ the assigned primary sources and write a discussion post answering the following questions: What specific similarities between the two stories were […]

What is Arjuna’s spiritual journey and what must be overcome to achieve his quest for enlightenment and the vision of Krishna’s totality in The Bhagavad-Gita

Assignment Details The Epic of Gilgamesh in how they interact with humans. Moreover, in The Bhagavad-Gita, Arjuna learns about duty. The path to God comes with the right action, loving devotion to God, and the way of knowledge. While Antigone may rebel against Creon’s tyrannical laws as civil disobedience, she upholds her duty to the […]

How important was religion in the lives of Mesopotamian people-How did they worship their gods?

Ancient Mesopotamia; Epic of Gilgamesh Read (1) Turner, Chapter 1.1 to 1.2.1 (pages 1-15; 166-171); (2) The following two selections on Blackboard: (a) Shamash Hymn; (b) Epic of Gilgamesh (3) THEN, answer the following questions with a one or two sentence response to each question: 1) How important was religion in the lives of Mesopotamian […]

What are each hero’s weaknesses-Which of the two do you think is the ultimate hero?

Module 2: Reading Quiz 1 Read the Epic of Gilgamesh (Links to an external site.) and the book of Job (Links to an external site.). Compare and Contrast Gilgamesh and Odysseus as heroes. Use the following guidelines to help you compose your answer: – How are Gilgamesh and Odysseus similar? – How are Gilgamesh and […]

Can you get any general ideas about the roles of women in ancient Sumeria from this? Explain, using specific examples from the story

Make a list of all of the female characters in Gilgamesh. Write a brief description of each and what she does in the story. Can you get any general ideas about the roles of women in ancient Sumeria from this? Explain, using specific examples from the story