Which of Chomsky’s filters seems the most significant to you? Why?

How long can you go without accessing mass media? Of course, school and work demands can be met; focus here on social and interpersonal access. Remember to consider ALL forms of mass communication (see text for definition). Reflect on the experience. Take a moment to glance at your phone and see what your average is […]

Identify a health care issue that is currently being discussed at the state or national level.

Letter to a Legislator Step 1: Identify One of Your Representatives For representatives at the national level, you can find the name and address of the legislators that represent you at the following: U.S. House of Representatives. U.S. Senate. To identify the names and contact information of state and local representatives, visit Common Cause and […]

Explain the usefulness of specific primary sources to the research project Module at a Glance

6-1 Project 2: Historical Context and Introduction Learning Objective Analyze secondary sources.Develop an introduction to the research project Explain the usefulness of specific primary sources to the research project Module at a Glance This is the recommended plan for completing the reading assignments and activities within the module. Additional information can be found in the […]