Explain two current threats that potentially could threaten Southwest’s business operations.

Review the company’s information from its website and search for information from the Hunt Library. Respond to the following in an essay format: From your assessment of Southwest Airlines, identify and describe in detail at least one of Porter’s generic competitive strategies Southwest has been using. Assess Southwest’s opportunities and threats. Describe a plan for […]

Discuss how your company competes in the global market or how it impacts the business Review the form of business ownership

Week2 Journal During this course, students will have the opportunity to investigate how the concepts studied impact today’s businesses. Students will pick a publicly-traded company. Each week students will submit a one-page journal summary on a topic studied during the weekly module/textbook and how it applies to the company they have selected. Week 2 Deliverable: […]

What role does a strong leader play in the formulation vision-mission statements?

Written UNIT 2: Vision, Mission, and Goals xRead Chapter 2 of the textbook focusing on visions, missions, and goals. Consider how this forms the strategic management process. Then do your own research of at least two additional resources. Select three key ideas or facts from the textbook which you believe are most important for a […]

What geographic location should be a target for global expansion?

1, Is globalization a good move for the company?: Not going to global at this time due to the global market affected by COVID-19 2, What is your rationale behind this decision? Synthesize analysis conducted in previous units, including strategic considerations, cultural considerations, competitive analysis and balanced scorecard. 3, What geographic location should be a […]