Describe one advantage and disadvantage of the PESTEL analysis for strategic planning.

Question Within the Discussion Board area, write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. For this Discussion Board, complete the following: An external analysis of a […]

Select a health issue to further explore which is related to a priority issue from a national or global organization.

Obesity in adolescence in underserved communities in America Select one health issue you wish to explore throughout this course. Write a formal APA paper on your selected health issue. The paper should be between 2-4 pages and include a title page, an introduction and conclusion, in-text citations, and references. No abstract needed. Page length does […]

Explain how important is having an efficient Purchasing strategy for the company’s success.

For your project,research a real life Global Organization and explain how they conduct/manage their Purchasing Department and describe their Purchasing Business Strategy. Explain how important is having an efficient Purchasing strategy for the company’s success.write a 2-5 document explaining your findings and conclusions.