Do the changes we have experienced reaffirm the video’s ideas and predictions or are we seeing alternative work and careers in answer to technological advances that were not discussed in the video?

Humans Need Not Apply Assignment Objective: Students will explore the changes that technological advances are causing in the workplace and what innovations there will need to be to address these alterations to the work humans will be doing in the future. Connection to Module Objective: This assignment measures the module objective: Discuss how organizations can […]

What are the current global challenges facing your chosen business with recommendations on how to overcome them in this current time?

Influences of Macro-economic Activity 1. Introduction, content, conclusion, references 2. Demonstrate an ability to investigate and explain how economic factors can affect business activities. 3.Explain challenges facing business in a global economy. 4. Assessment Brief:Sir Richard Branson is the founder of Virgin Group which owns a number of businesses ranging from Virgin Atlantic airlines to […]