What is the role of critical social theory in understanding and analyzing the development project?

Essay Questions Why has the Global South struggled to develop and industrialize? In what ways has ideology guided the development project in the post-World War II era? What is the role of critical social theory in understanding and analyzing the development project? Do the BRICS countries reflect shifting structural power at the level of world […]

What features of ICTs can constrain global development, especially along the lines of gender?

Some scholars and entrepreneurs suggest information and communication technologies (ICTs) are playing a significant role in the development of economic and social relations of countries in the Global South. However, an emphasis on concepts that discuss ICTs within a Western lens has resulted in a noticeable lack of theorization that addresses the relationship between disruptive […]

What is the relationship between economic reform and urbanization in China, India, and Latin America?

Answer ALL of the following questions with a roughly 200-300 word answer for EACH. 1. What is informality? Give at least 2 explanations for its predominance in Developing World cities. Drawing directly on films shown in class discuss how leaders take different policy responses to the urban poor and how the urban poor push back […]

What is the main feature of the ownership structure in Canada’s telecoms and broadcasting industries?

Short Answer Questions Drawing From Course Materials Write approximately 12 sentences (approximately 350 words) to answer the following two questions. In other words, use ~12 sentences per question. 1. Drawing from Cloudry and Mejias’ article, define what “data colonialism” is. Identify two examples in the course materials to argue either that countries in the Global […]

Discuss Corruption; MNC(Multinational incorporations) mining or other type of foreign investment in Global South countries; Great power and international organizational control over Global South policy choices.

Some possible topics in the news related to issues raised in these sessions are: poverty and inequality in the Global South and efforts to address both of these (there is a great deal of coverage on the poverty and inequality as it relates to the pandemic); Corruption; MNC(Multinational incorporations) mining or other type of foreign […]