What risks did the organization face that caused them to stop the project?

Benefits and Risks of Outsourcing the Global Supply Chain Globalization has created many opportunities for organizations. There are many advantages and ways to create value through outsourcing portions of one’s global supply chain. For each opportunity, there are also many ways for the project to run into problems. In your initial post, address the following: […]

Why has backlash against globalization and international trade increased, despite programs intended to benefit workers harmed by trade?

Response Paper 5: What Should Be Done When International Trade Harms Workers? First read the Controversy on pages 352 – 353 of the textbook, “What Should Be Done When International Trade Harms Workers?” Then write one short paragraph for each of the following questions. 1. Which groups within a country tend to benefit from freer […]

Describe the effects of globalization on air pollution in China’s largest cities.

Globalization Globalization is the process of the world becoming more connected. Like any process that involves economic choices, it has positive and negative consequences. China is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, and it has experienced many consequences as the result of globalization. One severe consequence has been a sharp increase in air pollution. In […]

What are some of the benefits and challenges of globalization for different sectors of society (for example, companies, workers, and communities)?

Globalization and Decision-Making Discuss how you think globalization influenced the decision-making that formed Saudi Vision 2030. What are some of the benefits and challenges of globalization for different sectors of society (for example, companies, workers, and communities)? Discuss the concepts, principles, and theories from your textbook. Cite your textbooks and cite any other sources if […]

What values are expressed by the team members in the example from The Soul of a New Machine, and how did these values become norms and rules?

Discussion Cheney, G., Christensen, L. T., Theodore E. Zorn, J., & Ganesh, S. (2010). Organizational communication in an age of globalization: Issues, reflections, practices (2nd ed.). Waveland Press. Respond to two of the following questions using full sentences and referencing the textbook. When you’re finished, respond to two of your peer’s posts. How do self-managing […]

List what the item/items is/are and then explain how it reflects each of the five themes, a spatial relationship and globalization.

Five Themes of Geography (location, place, movement, regions and human-environment interaction), a spatial relationship and globalization. This learning outcome has introduced you to the Five Themes of Geography, spatial relationships and globalization. For this Milestone Activity, you need to find something in your daily life that reflects each of the Five Themes of Geography (location, […]

How did changing concepts of race impact immigration policies in the United States in the early 20th century?

Section 1: Short Answer Responses (12 points) Employing the lectures and readings, respond to each of the following questions in 200-250 words each. It is expected you spend 1 hour on this portion of the exam: What historical contexts defined the “first-wave globalization” of the late 19th century, and how did those features impact global […]

Does globalization promote international understanding and tolerance or does it threaten local cultures?

Discussion on the following instructions below Is globalization a good thing or bad? Is it making the world richer or poorer? Does globalization promote international understanding and tolerance or does it threaten local cultures? What are the strengths and shortcomings of the other students’ arguments? How could their arguments be strengthened? If you believe that […]

What is the relationship between globalization and covid-19?

Read the first two chapters of your book, and then take in the amazing YouTube video “Hans Rosling’s 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes: Comment on the video and connect it to the chapters. Answer questions such as what did you learn from these two chapters? What was the most interesting topic for you? How […]