Describe the drivers and effect of colonization within the region and each of the countries. (1 slide) with speaker notes

The Origin and Impact of Globalization In a PowerPoint presentation, conduct and apply your research to answer the following questions. 1) Describe the drivers and effect of colonization within the region and each of the countries. (1 slide) with speaker notes 2) Discuss how the three aspects of globalization (economic, political, and sociocultural dimensions) influenced […]

Do you think globalization will truly result in the dissolution of global boundaries? Why or why not?

Cultural Geography This lesson has described the various conflicts that can arise from the delineation of borders and boundaries (or the lack thereof). Arguments have been made that with globalization borders and boundaries will dissolve and become obsolete. Do you think globalization will truly result in the dissolution of global boundaries? Why or why not? […]

How does the US digital divide compare to the global digital divide?

1. Read pages 32-35 in the PDF file located on the Textbooks page. 2. Answer the questions listed in item 3 using a word processing tool and include the following skills. (2 points) Use a table Use a bulleted list Create a hyperlink Double-spaced and use 12 pt. Times New Roman font 1″ margins […]

How do these articles support, or refute the ideal of Globalization the growth and role of international institutions?

You have read 3 articles. You must summarize each one, using your own words – not lengthy quotes from the articles. These summaries should be about 2 paragraphs, not including any introductory comments.After you summarize the articles you should address the following issues: How do these positions agree or disagree with each other? How do […]

Give examples of businesses in regard to the statement that has failed or/and maintained a competitive advantage in the market

Global Defend or oppose the statement: “Given the realities of today’s economy, particularly due to globalization, and the rapid changes occurring in business technology, all competitive advantages are short lived. There is no such thing as a sustainable competitive advantage that lasts over the long term.” 1. Give two examples of businesses in regard to […]

Assess how globalization and technology changes have impacted the corporation you researched. (Division of Insurance in Australia now)

• Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness Overview ~ See Attachments! PROGRESSIVE CORP., a public corporation in the insurance industry. Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Filings & Forms page, the Strayer University’s online databases, the Lexis Advance database, and any other sources you can find. […]

How would you describe the working conditions for workers like Jasmine? 12 workers to a room? Did you see the toilet? Where was the shower?Discuss

Documentary about a clothing factory in south China; produces jeans for retail stores in Europe and North America. What is the purpose of a documentary film? **Cue up a map of China’s provinces: Where is the town of Shaxi 沙溪镇? Why are most factories producing goods for export located in south China? Population of Shaxi? […]

Discuss how biases can impact outcomes in selected nursing practice settings. Identify personal biases and attitudes toward people with various cultural, gender, sexual orientation, age, weight, and religions that are different than your own.

Click here for transcript (Links to an external site.) Purpose In today’s current healthcare settings, the increasing diversity, globalization, and expanding technologies produce complex ethical pressures that influence nursing practice and practice outcomes. To be effective in a master’s-prepared advanced nurse practice role it is important to understand personal values, beliefs, strengths, and limitations. The […]

Describe a global cultural miscalculation that has occurred in your business or one that you have found on the Internet. How could better management prevent the cultural miscalculation from happening in the first place?

Cultural miscalculations can be a costly mistake for global businesses. Businesses need to develop a better understanding of how culture affects global business. For example, if a sales manager refuses the offer of a cup of coffee in Saudi Arabia, negotiations would immediately halt as this is considered very rude. Here are some other examples […]