Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs.

Option 1: Glocalization Write a paper about “Glocalizing Public Relations.” Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs. In your paper, include the following information: A definition of the term “glocalization.” Your own interpretation of this term. Explain this term using […]

Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs.

Option 1: Glocalization Write a paper about “Glocalizing Public Relations.” Identify one corporation located outside the US that has modified its products and marketing strategies to local tastes to satisfy consumers’ needs. In your paper, include the following information: A definition of the term “glocalization.” Your own interpretation of this term. Explain this term using […]