What are three solutions to the problem of evil, and what is the response to these solutions?

Evil and God’s World: A Special Problem Chapter Objectives Upon completion of this chapter, you should be able to do the following: 1. Define and understand the nature of the problem of evil. 2. Identify several proposed solutions to the problem. 3. Explain the theological themes that bear upon this problem and contribute to alleviating […]

summary of the foundational principles of worship discussed over the past two weeks.

James 1:22 says, “Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” It is not enough to simply study principles of worship; you must also put them into practice. The purpose of this assignment is to recall and rehearse the biblical foundations of worship and discuss how they can […]

How can avoiding this fallacy help you to read and live God’s word better?

In this Topic, you looked ar various types of family crisis (domestic violence, substance abuse, loss of a loved one, etc.). GCU believes that God redeems and restores men and women in Christ, creating them anew for the good works He has prepared them to do, therefore the work of the Christian is a part […]

What are the significant statements of cause, purpose, result, or means found within your passage?

Passage Annotation Mark 9:14-29 PAGE 1: Liberally annotate the passage. Circle repeated words or phrases. Not every repeated word or phrase needs to be circled; focus on those that seem significant for understanding the meaning of the passage. Underline significant verbs. Once again, you don’t need to underline every verb; focus on those that seem […]

State significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world.

1. Significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God and the world. Include references to family members and significant others, courses and experiences in college, church, service-related activities and employment. 2. Aspects of your background that inform the unique perspective you would add to the diverse and vibrant community that exists at […]

Does God’s Knowledge of the future eliminate man’s free will/choice?

FOR THE WRITER; WRITE 1 PAGE ON “Does God’s Knowledge of the future eliminate man’s free will/choice?” 1. This paper should be focused on knowing the following and include scriptures from the King James Version. 2. We are free moral agents, we can make decisions. There is a plan and a will of God. We […]

Has the practice of Western Christianity narrowed/weakened the gospel? Explain your answer using Biblical texts.

Assignment 1b: Western Christianity Discussion Introduction In your readings, you will read about the creation of man, man’s responsibilities, the fall, and God’s plan of redemption. As you read, give special attention to the believer’s relationship with God and the believer’s relationship with others (this will give a context for discussion). Question Has the practice […]

What does the argument against believing in God without sufficient evidence look like?

Is it morally permissible to believe in God just because it is to your practical advantage to believe? Why or why not? Use the material in Vaughn’s book to help you explain how Pascal argues for belief in God. Explain the strengths and weaknesses that other thinkers have identified in his reasoning. What does the […]

Who is God? Explain the Christian view of God.

Paper detalis: Include details from multiple readings as well as course lectures and discussions. Be sure to relate your answers to major themes and concepts from the Bible and the Second Vatican Council. Provide an explanation and analysis of the objective Christian teachings on the question. Each essay should be about 2 pages (double-spaced) Exam […]