How does the story of Adam and Eve reinforce patriarchal values by having Adam being created first, in God’s image, and woman being created as an afterthought from Adam’s rib?

Chapter 6 How does the story of Adam and Eve reinforce patriarchal values by having Adam being created first, in God’s image, and woman being created as an afterthought from Adam’s rib? 2. If you are a man, consider at least one way you might change your everyday life in such a way that the […]

Discuss a five paragraph essay on the Trojan War as discussed in Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes.

five paragraph essay on the Trojan War as discussed in Edith Hamilton's Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes. Page citations are required. I was assigned the topic: How does Homer view the gods? Why include them in the story?

Argue that a character is a hero, that the gods play a major role, that the animal symbolism is significant, that the character’s harmatia is arrogance, that the women are treated as objects, that irony pervades the literary work, etc.

TOPIC: Select a literary work that we have read in this course, and select a point to argue or analyze. You may argue that a character is a hero, that the gods play a major role, that the animal symbolism is significant, that the character’s harmatia is arrogance, that the women are treated as objects, […]

What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals?

Description Write an essay of no more than 1,000 words on the following topic: • What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals? Choose at least three different sources from Block 1 to support your discussion (that is, three different sources mentioned in any part of Block […]

What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals?

What do sources from the early Greek world suggest about the relationship between gods and mortals? Choose at least three different sources from Block 1 to support your discussion (that is, three different sources mentioned in any part of Block 1 that date from the early Greek world, c.800–500 BCE). At least one of your […]

What do you make of the question concerning whether the Gods love a person because they are pious versus a person being pious because they are beloved by the Gods.

Part 1 (300-word minimum) What is a “rational standard” (see PCT Ch. 1)? How and why does Socrates introduce it in his exchange with Euthyphro? In what way does it propel their conversation? What did you think of the dialogue once you understood it (cause, I’m sure, you read it multiple times until you did)? […]