What other influences were important in your own political socialization (school, friends, significant events, etc.)?

Political Socialization In the first part of the paper try to identify and discuss your core political beliefs. You may already have a good idea of where you stand politically. There are also internet sites designed to help you place yourself ideologically. Some use a simple scale of liberal to conservative. Others are more complex. […]

Why are equal rights like universal suffrage insufficient solutions to gender oppression-According to Goldman, what would it take to achieve a fully feminist liberation?

Sex and gender These are the questions 1.When, why and how did patriarchal relations of power between men and women emerge in human history? 2.What is the difference between sex and gender? According to West and Zimmerman, why is “doing gender” unavoidable? 3.Why does Goldman suggest that marriage is a vehicle for subjugating women? How […]

Where do you think your core beliefs about politics come from-Do the theories of political socialization discussed in the class notes-in the text seem to apply to you?

Paper 1 The topic of our first paper project is political socialization. The purpose of this assignment is to help you further define your own political personality, and then to think about how you became the “political person” that you are in a typed paper of about 3 pages. Provide a citation for any sources […]