Briefly discuss your view of how/if these two sets of standards play a role in advancing human rights or social and economic justice.

Analyze the NASW Practice Standards For this week’s assignment, you will utilize both sources of the NASW practice standards that you learned about. Review and analyze both documents again, and then prepare a critical analysis of the following: Explore how the goals for each set of standards complement each other since clinical social workers will […]

What did Tannis do well, and where did she fall short in the initial stages of the case(before the first evening/dinner)?

Organizational Behavior – Case Study 2 1. Case analysis responses should be your original thoughts—clearly and strongly supported by evidence-based ideas covered in the textbook and other assigned resources. 2. Strong case analyses will present creative, thoughtful, and innovative solutions. 3. Your audience for this analysis is the course instructor.You should write concisely and directly […]

What are your thoughts and feelings on the possibility of your teaching being evaluated in this way?

Reading Response #9 In Chapter 9, Goldstein brings up programs like Teach For America and Value-Added Model. What do programs like Teach For America say to you about teacher education in America? Why do you think we approach things in this way? What are your thoughts and feelings on the possibility of your teaching being […]

Identify and describe at least three (3) major findings about policing that Goldstein cites in the American Bar Foundation Study as it applies to policing.

Step 1. Watch the video interview with Dr. Herman Goldstein. (search on YouTube ” Herman Goldstein interviewed by Samuel Walker”). Step 2. : Review each of the following three subsections below. What is POP? History of Problem-Oriented Policing: Key Elements of POP Step 3. After viewing the Goldstein video and reading the sections on “What […]