Develop a presentation using either Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides covering the content of your mid-term critical literature review report that you will present in 10 minutes or less via a video you record in Canvas Studio

Develop a presentation using either Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides covering the content of your mid-term critical literature review report that you will present in 10 minutes or less via a video you record in Canvas Studio. You will submit your video directly via the final Canvas assignment with your slide presentation. Your presentation should […]

How would you improve your company website?

Term Project Go to the company website and then go to a competitor’s website. Compare and contrast the two and provide specific examples of things your company does better and specific things the competitor seems to do better with regards to messaging and communication. How would you improve your company website? use specific examples and […]

Why do you like them and their work-Why is it important?

Video Journal (Humanities) Create a video journal (about 4 -7 minutes long) that highlights 3 living African American artists. Why do you like them and their work? Why is it important? This video journal (you can use Studio or whichever platform you prefer) should highlight 3 living artists. Have fun with this – while you […]

What does the partner service provide and what will we need to do/know in the company, and what training will be needed for users?

Project Recommendations Part 1 The first part of your response is based on the research you complete determining whether to go with a company to manage cloud services or to rent space with one of the well-established cloud services. Include the following: A list of the pros and cons to both options. You should have […]

People who share opinions with executives may try to use that to enter into more social circles and meet powerful people who also agree, expressing what type of political skill?

Case Analysis (Organizational Politics at Google) Google only wants “civil” behavior at work. Talk about work at work, talk about politics elsewhere. The multinational technology company announced to its over 100,000 employees in August 2019 that nonwork topics were causing disruption. Specifically, political arguments have taken a large role in the company’s online forums. This […]

Why is writing as well as reading all the details so important in Leadership and Management?

Since week 1 you have been writing, writing, and writing even more. Since being in this program you all were advised, instructed, and reminded to use Google Scholar to research articles, journals, books, etc., for your assignments. Why is writing as well as reading all the details so important in Leadership and Management? How does […]

Describe the organizational change process steps that you would take, and prioritize the order in which you would take them.

Company’s to chose from (Google, Apple, Starbucks, Facebook, Amazon). Select an organizational change that is taking place within your company or one that you have researched. Write a 1,050-word or more organizational change plan in which you address the following: Describe the organizational change process steps that you would take, and prioritize the order in […]

What Type of cloud services will your business be using?

1) Imagine you’re starting your own Cloud COmputing business. What are the potential challenges and issues you’ll face while starting a new business? 2) Look through the NIST framework and come up with a guideline for your company based on the NIST framework. The NIST Framework is designed to help you protect your small business […]