Identify at least three weaknesses in Eid Corporation’s revenue cycle activities.

Assignment Question(s):  (Marks 15) Question 1: (03 Marks) Under the expenditure cycle ordering materials, supplies and services are the first activity. Explain the following ordering threats with suitable example with each of these. a) Purchasing at inflated prices b) Unreliable Suppliers c) Kickbacks Question 2: (03 Marks) What are the advantages of the REA data […]

Explain why the image created so many discussions on social platforms where users discussed their different perceptions of the dress’s color.

Do You Remember The Dress? Introduction “The dress” is a photograph that became viral on February 26, 2015. But what was the story? Read the Origin (Links to an external site.) section of “the dress’s” Wikipedia page. In the process of “the dress” going viral, not only ordinary people but also politicians, government agencies, celebrities, […]

Discuss the importance of consistent financial reports across all healthcare organizations.

HCAD 640 Wk3 D3 – Financial Statements Financial reporting is critical to the success of any organization because this is how managers and other stakeholders evaluate the sustainability and profitability of an organization. The healthcare industry accounts for nearly 20% of the US GDP as of 2018 (BEA, 2019). While there is guidance for financial […]

Identify a health care issue that is currently being discussed at the state or national level.

Letter to a Legislator Step 1: Identify One of Your Representatives For representatives at the national level, you can find the name and address of the legislators that represent you at the following: U.S. House of Representatives. U.S. Senate. To identify the names and contact information of state and local representatives, visit Common Cause and […]