What responsibilities do individual communities (towns, counties) have regarding this crisis?

Some questions to consider might be as follows (these are suggestions, not requirements, and students may add their own): ●Should pharmaceutical companies and/or executives/employees be held responsible for any part of the opioid crisis? ●Should the marketing of prescription medication be regulated, and how should it be regulated? ●Should addiction studies be required for all […]

What ethical duties does the corporation have to the workers in Mexico, the neighboring landowners, and the USA consumers about the potential dangers of using DDT?

Corporations often “vote with their feet” in terms of doing business where expenses are lowest and revenues are highest. Buying low and selling high is a basic economic formula for success that has motivated international trade in many ways over the centuries. This is popularly discussed when governments consider tax policies and is also applicable […]

Discuss the reasons and methods of governments’ intervention in trade

Management Question Discuss the reasons and methods of governments’ intervention in trade (CLO: 1.2) Analyze the effects of culture, politics and economic systems in the context of international business (CLO: 2.1) Carry out effective self-evaluation through discussing economic systems in the international business context (CLO: 3.6)  

Which phase of strategic management are annual objectives especially important?

Management Question Chapter 1 1) The decision to expand or diversify operations is a strategy-formulation issue. A) True B) False 2) The terms strategic management and strategic planning are synonymous in this text. A) True B) False 3) Anything the firm does well especially when compared to rival firms could be considered a competitive advantage. […]

Identify the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows.

Identify the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows. Explain why governments sometimes intervene in international trade. Summarize and explain the arguments against strategic trade policy. Describe the development of the world trading system and the current trade issue. Explain the implications for managers of developments in the world trading system.  

How have the United States, other nations, and international organizations responded to the issue?

4.06 Foreign Policy What is chosen human rights issue and how did it begin? Who does the issue affect and how? How have the United States, other nations, and international organizations responded to the issue? How do these responses relate to the foreign policy spectrum of approaches you studied in the lesson? (Recall that the […]

What issues should government budget officials be mindful of in the preparation and execution of capital budgeting?

Responses to the questions should be in essay format. Your answers must show originality, be straight to the point and not be more than 3 double-spaced pages to a question. Why do state and local governments prepare capital budgets? Discuss the steps in the capital budgeting process. What issues should government budget officials be mindful […]

What is an acceptable degree of federal supervision of and intervention in state and local configuration of their command and response structures?

The Viability of Recommended Command and Response Structures In the National Response Framework, the Federal Emergency Management Agency encourages the creation of state and local response and incident command structures. FEMA also recommends the adoption of a joint federal, state, and local unified coordination staff configuration. These recommendations represent a concerted effort to establish nationwide […]

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the USA Patriot Act?

Which of the following statements is accurate regarding the USA Patriot Act? A) It has not yet resulted in the arrest of any Muslins since 9/11 B) It failed to provide greater stability to stop foreign money laundering C) It created new crimes and penalties against suspected domestic and international terrorists D) It weakened the […]