How does the criminal justice system approach adolescents/children who break the law?

Imagine that you are being considered for a job with a local adolescent behavioral program that specializes in helping teenagers who have experienced minor encounters with the law. You’ve been called back for a second interview and their employee search committee has asked you to develop a presentation about the criminal justice system and the […]

What impact did the experience have on your everyday life?

Think back to the five SMART goals you created earlier in the term . create a PowerPoint presentation with slides that evaluate each SMART goal that you created. PowerPoint presentation contains 12-14 slides. The reference page contains at least the required current scholarly academic reference (4) and text reference. Follows APA guidelines of components: double […]

What experiences will help you to be successful in achieving your degree/certification in the chosen field?

In this assignment, students will share why they chose nursing or another profession. Answer the following: Why did you decide on your profession? Are you considering other professions? 5 points What experiences will help you to be successful in achieving your degree/certification in the chosen field? 5 points A minimum of 1 paragraph for each […]

Explain how the concepts in the chapters for this unit are applied in the article.

FI360 Current Article Current Article on Bonds and Investments Directions Reflecting on the topics we have covered in this course, complete the following posts by examining the following questions: Initial Post Post your response as an initial post. Include URL to the article being reviewed. Identify the concept referenced in the article. Explain how the […]

Is there a clear focus in the topic sentence of the main body paragraph?

You will select a debatable topic related to education that has impacted you in some way. 1. Is your introductory paragraph interesting and relevant? 2. Is there a clear topic at the end of the intro paragraph? 3. Is there a clear focus in the topic sentence of the main body paragraph? 4. Does each […]

Does the essay discuss, in detail, COVID’s influence on the writer’s world today?

Just need to answer questions 1. Does the essay have a creative and original title? 2. Does the first line grab your attention? 3. Is the main idea evident in the first paragraph? 4. Are there transitions between paragraphs? 5. Does the essay give you a central purpose and perspective? 6. Are the discussions fully […]

Can you expect to receive the level of benefits that current retirees receive? Why (not)?

Social Security Assignment Research the current and expected future state of the Social Security system. Then, respond to the following questions: • What challenges face the System and what caused them? • Can you expect to receive the level of benefits that current retirees receive? Why (not)? You must cite your sources. Your response should […]

Did you know it even makes a difference in making friends? A

Write a 5 paragraph, minimum 500 word essay in response to the prompt below. Your essay must have an Introduction as the first paragraph, 3 paragraphs to form the Body of the essay and a final paragraph as the Conclusion to form your 5 paragraph essay. (Be sure to use the APA Format guidelines.) Proficiency […]

Why do you want to market this product to that target market in that physical environment?

Review of Initial Marketing Plan Develop the initial outline of your Complete Marketing Plan. Use Chapter 17 as a guide. What do you want to market? What is your target market? Where do you want to market your product? Why do you want to market this product to that target market in that physical environment? […]

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale.

Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve – anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution. Your essay must be between 500 and 700 words. It will be evaluated on […]